Calcium Magnesium Zinc

Calcium Magnesium Zinc

$0.00 (MRSP)

Life Vitamins Calcium Magnesium Zinc is the ultimate source of minerals for healthy strong bones

Osteoporosis is a disorder of bone characterized by reduced mineral density and bone mass. Multiple therapeutic regimens have been designed to prevent or treat bone loss in postmenopausal women and the elderly. The first step in the prevention or treatment of osteoporosis is ensuring adequate nutrition, particularly maintaining an adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D. Adequate calcium and vitamin D nutrition is important in people of all ages, especially in children and the elderly. In the latter group, for example, the administration of calcium and vitamin D reduces the rate of bone loss and may decrease fracture risk. In this same population, calcium and vitamin D supplementation also reduces tooth loss.

Magnesium is increasingly recognized as an important contributor to bone health. A study of women with osteoporosis reported significantly increased bone mineral density with 250 mg/day of magnesium supplement when compared to a control group who did not take magnesium supplements. Dietary sources of magnesium include almonds, cashews and peanuts, raisin bran cereal, potato skins, brown rice, kidney beans, black-eyed peas and lentils. Eight ounces of milk has approximately 25 mg of magnesium. The recommended dietary allowance for optimum health is 320-420 mg. However, more than half of the US population consumes less than 245 mg per day. Thus modest supplementation with up to 250 mg/day of magnesium is reasonable to support bone health, and for other aspects of general health.

Zinc is one of the essential nutrients for bone health. Zinc is usually consumed in amounts that meet or exceed the recommended dietary allowance, however regardless of wide availability, zinc is frequently added to dietary supplements for bone health. The Recommended Daily Allowance of zinc for men is 11 mg/day and for women is 8 mg/day. The average intake from dietary sources is 14 mg/day for men and 9 mg/day for women in US. Therefore, supplementation is unnecessary for the typical American diet. Zinc is found in a wide variety of foods including red meat, lamb, shell fish, seeds, nuts, dairy products, poultry, and beans. Vegetarians and older individuals may have insufficient zinc intake. After the age of 60 years approximately 35-45% of Americans have inadequate dietary zinc intake unless they are receiving some dietary supplementation.